__This is a draft__ ---- = HOWTO build CLHEP with Visual Studio 2005 == CLHEP is officially documented to build with VC7.1 but the switch to VC8 requires a little know-how to get the build steps right. This is because the VC8 compiler has a few features namely to prevent misuse or errorprone use of iterators, which render the CLHEP unusable. == Prerequisites == To successfully compile CLHEP you will need * A working istallation of Visual Studio 2005 * A CYGWIN setup including `autoconf`, `automake`, `make` and `tar` packages == Prepare the build environment == To provide the CLHEP build scripts with the necessary information, insert the following line just before the `bash --login -i` line in the `Cygwin.bat` file found in the base directory of your CYGWIN installation: {{{call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"}}} Create an installation directory for the CLHEP libraries. I suggest to use `C:\clhep` and the following steps will rely on this choice. == Download CLHEP == * Download the latest source package from http://proj-clhep.web.cern.ch/proj-clhep/ * Move the downloaded file into your CYGWIN `var/tmp` directory usually located at `C:\cygwin\var\tmp` * Enter the CYGWIN environment (by double-clicking the Cygwin symbol on your desktop) == Unpack, configure and build CLHEP == The following steps will build a debug and a release version of the CLHEP library. Execute the following commands: * `mkdir clhep; cd clhep` * `tar xzf /var/tmp/clhep-*-src.tgz` * `cd *; cd CLHEP` * `mkdir debug; cd debug` * `../configure --prefix=/cygdrive/c/clhep/debug` * `make AM_CXXFLAGS="-Ehsc -nologo -GR -MDd -ZI -D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 -D_SECURE_SCL=0"` * `make install` * `cd ..; mkdir release; cd release` * `../configure --prefix=/cygdrive/c/clhep` * `make AM_CXXFLAGS="-Ehsc -nologo -GR -MD -D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 -D_SECURE_SCL=0"` * `make install` If in the previous steps you have chosen an installation directory other than `C:\clhep`, please change the `--prefix=` parameters accordingly. You now have a ready-to-rock version of CLHEP installed on your system and are ready to proceed with [wiki:InstallationForVisualStudio building Rave] and of course you can skip the step of downloading the precompiled CLHEP package.