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Version 5 (modified by anonymous, 18 years ago) (diff)


Rave Installation


Rave needs the following software:

  • (Gnu) C++ compiler
  • boost
  • clhep


Rave is fully autotooled. configure; make; make install are your friends. Package builders may want to call bootstrap before using configure and make.

Also note that various packages exist, see the download section. Also check configure --help for special configurations.


In order to be able to build the java bindings, the following applications need to be installed on the system:

  • javac (gcj will soon be added as another option)
  • java
  • jar or fastjar
  • swig

If these are all found, then building the java bindings will be enabled per default. Disabling the bindings can also be specified explicitly:

./configure --disable-java

It might be necessary to tell configure where to look for the java binaries and libraries:

./configure --with-java-home=<JAVAHOME>

Note that with rave < 0.2.2, for java to work, it is necessary to turn off optimisation, e.g.

configure CXXFLAGS="-g" 

This is fixed in subversion head.


Building under cygwin is tricky and currently quite yucky :-( Currently we've been able to compile a static version of rave only with a static version of clhep (compiled with cygwin, as well). This should be achievable without special tweaking and special configuration settings, though. Just an ordinary configure; make ... Using clhep libraries compiled with VC++ (the official way to build clhep under windows) has not yet been tried. Improvements in this area can be expected in the near future.
