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Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of RaveKinematics

Jan 31, 2008, 9:24:05 AM (17 years ago)



  • RaveKinematics

    v13 v14  
    182182The fitter always returns a !KinematicTree, which will be invalid if the fit wasn't successfull. The validity can be tested by calling the isValid method. If the tree is invalid, access to the other methods will result in an exception.
    184 The returned and valid !KinematicTree is a hierarchical representation of the decay chain. It stores an internal pointer to one of the particles. This pointer can be moved by different methods and the particle it points to can be evaluated by calling the currentParticle method. After reconstruction, the pointer is pointing to the top particle of the tree that is the particle, which is believed to be the origin of all other particles either directly or indirectly through secondary decays. This particle on top of the tree. (The tree has to be imagined like a family tree, where the origin is at the top and each generation is drawn below its ancestores.) This primary particle can be accessed at once by the topParticle method. Then the tree can be travelled down on generation by the movePointerToTheFirstChild method and the whole generation can be stepped through by the movePointerToTheNextChild method.
     184The returned and valid [doxygen:KinematicTree] is a hierarchical representation of the decay chain. It stores an internal pointer to one of the particles. This pointer can be moved by different methods and the particle it points to can be evaluated by calling the currentParticle method. After reconstruction, the pointer is pointing to the top particle of the tree that is the particle, which is believed to be the origin of all other particles either directly or indirectly through secondary decays. This particle on top of the tree. (The tree has to be imagined like a family tree, where the origin is at the top and each generation is drawn below its ancestores.) This primary particle can be accessed at once by the topParticle method. Then the tree can be travelled down on generation by the movePointerToTheFirstChild method and the whole generation can be stepped through by the movePointerToTheNextChild method.