Version 3 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
The MarlinRave plugin
We provide a Marlin Processor called RaveVertexing based on Rave, which enables the Marlin user to use Rave vertexing functionality within Marlin. The Rave vertexing algorithms can be completely configured by means of the Marlin steer file. A second processor called RaveKinematics allows application of kinematic constraints to precompiled event topologies.
The RaveVertexing processor
An exemplary steer file snippet should illustrate the configuration of the RaveVertexing processor:
<processor name="MyRaveVertexing" type="RaveVertexing"> <!--RaveVertexing does vertex finding and fitting using multiple algorithms--> <!--Name of the input track collection--> <parameter name="Tracks" type="string">Tracks </parameter> <!--Method used for vertex finding and fitting--> <parameter name="Method" type="string">default </parameter> <!--Print results to stdout--> <parameter name="Verbose" type="int">0 </parameter> <!--Name of the reconstructed vertex collection--> <parameter name="Vertices" type="string">Vertices </parameter> <!--Name of output the collection of refitted tracks--> <parameter name="RefittedTracks" type="string"> </parameter> <!--Optional filename for textual output of all vertices for histogramming--> <parameter name="HistFile" type="string"> </parameter> </processor>
As shown in this example, the RaveVertexing processor needs an input collection, defined by the Tracks parameter, holding the tracks generated by a Tracking processor. It then uses an algorithm specified by the Method parameter to reconstruct vertices and to refit the input tracks. The results are then stored in collections named by the Vertices and RefittedTracks parameters.
The Method string allows selection and full configuration od the available vertexing algorithms. See RaveMethods for detailed information.