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Version 10 (modified by anonymous, 17 years ago) (diff)


The method string used in rave::VertexFactory has the following general structure:


Sometimes nesting is required (e.g. to configure "sub-algorithms"):


As for the finders, the following algorithms are defined:

  • kalman KalmanVertexFitter This is the simple linear kalman filter that takes no extra parameters.
  • avf AdaptiveVertexFitter The avf respects the following parameters:
    • sigmacut: The value for [ = sqrt (2) ] at which a track has track weight=0.5.
    • Tini: Initial temperature in the annealing schedule.
    • ratio: The ratio with which the temperature falls in each iteration step.

Default is: avf-Tini:256-ratio:0.25-sigmacut:3

  • tkf TrimmedKalmanVertexFinder? The tkf respects the following parameters:
    • ptcut: Cut in the tracks' pT, given in GeV/c.
    • vtxcut: Bla FIXME
    • trackcutpv: Bla FIXME
    • trackcutsv: Bla FIXME

Default is: tkf-ptcut:0-trkcutpv:0.05-trkcutsv:0.01-vtxcut:0.01

Default: mvf-sigmacut:9.0

  • avr AdaptiveVertexReconstructor: Iterative adaptive vertex fitting.
    • primcut: Cut (in terms of sigma) on the primary (i.e. first) vertex
    • seccut: Cut (in terms of sigma) on all subsequent vertices)
    • minweight: Minimum track weight to be used in subsequent avf fits.

Default is: avr-minweight:0.5-primcut:2-seccut:6